Lorelei Links, Lorelei's Links, loreleis-links, lorelei-links, loreleislinks, loreleilinks, bedroom bondage, gag talk, fun links, wacky web sites, Richard King, Healer, Psychic, Chartered Engineer, Soulmate of the Lorelei

Richard King

Personal Web Site: www.richardking.name


The Legend

Lorelei in Literature

The Rhine

Other Lorelei's on the Web

My Other Web Sites

Why Lorelei Links?

Having discovered that my Soulmate, Lorelei, was the Lorelei I naturally became interested in the name, particularly as it was a relatively unusual one. During a search of the Web, I came across "Lorelei's Links: Funlinks and Wacky Web Sites" (www.loreleis-links.com/links/adult/loreleiweb/). I was a little taken aback to realise it was part of Lorelei's Bedroom Bondage Site.

It should be pointed out at his stage that we are not into that sort of thing; besides, even if she was willing, you try tying up a discarnate!

This Links Site not a copy of that one and, in any case, is a more extensive compilation of links connected with the name.


While this Links Site is in the process of construction, please visit My Other Web Sites.

Although Lorelei's name is a considerable asset in promoting our story, further help would be much appreciated, hence the request for assistance on the How You Can Help page of Richard's Psychic Realm.